colon cleanse avocados

Colon Cleanse Naturally: 5 Foods For Healthy Colon

There are two strategies that you can use to maintain colon health. Broadly speaking, you can east whatever you want, then figure out a way to clean your colon, perhaps using a very good colon cleanse product. Or you can be proactive and eat good foods to begin with. The former is more expensive, but it brings a little convenience to it that many people like. The latter solution requires conscious effort and a penchant for good, healthy foods, which is what we’ll be looking at now. Here, then, are the five foods you can start eating right now to boost your colon health.

Colon Cleanse Naturally – Avocados

colon cleanse avocados

The vibrant green skin of the avocado is nature’s way of begging us to eat this luscious fruit. But avocados are not just about looks, they are super-filled with nutrients that help regulate colon health. Avocados are filled with soluble fibres which help the digestive tract and free the colon from the undesirables that hang around after bad foods. How you have them doesn’t matter; in fact, you can turn avocados into smoothies or have them as snacks.

Colon Cleanse Naturally – Lentils & Beans

lentils and beans for colon cleanse

Legumes are good for just about everything that your body needs, but they are especially great for helping the digestive process and keeping the colon healthy. Lentils and beans are especially rich in fibre, that essential nutrient that helps the smooth passing of poo. If you are constantly backed up, it’s probably because you aren’t incorporating much of these two powerhouses of protein and fibre. How you choose to have lentils and beans is totally up you. Most people find they enhance soups and stews very well so that might be a good place to start in adding them to your diet.

Colon Cleanse Naturally – Salmon

There has been a lot of talk about the ethical and health considerations of farm raise salmon, but that aside, and when you can get your hands on some healthy serving of this tasty seafood, nothing helps your colon quite like salmon. The Atlantic variety is especially rich on the fatty acids that help with digestion. Salmon and the Omega-3 fatty acids they contain are a vital defence against inflammation. Some research into how this fish helps the colon has suggested that colon cells are helped tremendously by this inflammation-reducing seafood. Salmon can be eaten in a variety of ways but smoked on a side at breakfast is one of our favourite ways of enjoying it.

Colon Cleanse Naturally – Dark Leafy Greens

dark leafy greens colon health

The importance of vegetables has been known for thousands of years. The dark, leafy greens in particular have continued to add colour and variety to diets around the world. They are especially rich in fibre and iron and help to regulate colon health in perhaps the most natural way. Dark, leafy greens provide a stable supply of the important nutrients needed to maintain the digestive tract and keep the colon healthy from toxins.

Colon Cleanse Naturally – Yogurt

yogurt colon cleanse naturally

When yogurts are taken in their most healthy form, they can provide not just a healthy probiotic boost, they can also work wonders for the colon. The presence of vitamin D in yogurt has boosted its reputation as a carer for the colon. This is especially true as it relates to the reduction in colorectal cancer which researchers have highlighted as a prevailing benefit inherent in most dairy products.

Colon Cleanse Naturally – Apples and the Derivative Apple Cidar Vinegar

Apples and the benefits they bring to overall health are not in doubt. But not many people are aware that apple-derived products like apple cidar vinegar are helpful in flushing harmful toxins from the body. Most toxins leave the body via the colon so any work done by these products and apples will result in a direct benefit to the colon.

These foods aren’t your formulated colon cleansing products currently available. But they are a good, economical start for anyone starting out with colon health. This doesn’t mean of course that colon cleansing via actual products is a bad idea; on the contrary, these foods provide a solid start before specific products are brought in for use. You can go here to see one type of this kind of specific product.